Poster in May 08, 2023 12:38:37

Handling Method Of Grain Conveyer Fault

Handling Method Of Grain Conveyer Fault

There are many reasons for the deviation, which need to be treated differently according to different reasons.

First: Adjust the bearing roller set

Second: Install the aligning idler set

Third: tension adjustment Belt tension adjustment is a very important part of the belt conveyor deviation adjustment.

Fourth: adjusting the position of the driving drum and the reversing drum The adjustment of the driving drum and the reversing drum is an important part of the belt deviation adjustment

Fifth: bidirectional running belt conveyor deviation adjustment

Treatment method for belt slip:

First: Is screw tension or hydraulic tension belt machine slippage using screw tension or hydraulic tension belt conveyor slippage can be adjusted to increase the tension stroke. However, sometimes the tensioning run is no longer enough and the belt is permanently deformed. At this time, a section of the belt can be cut off and vulcanized again.

Second: The use of a nylon belt or EP is required to tension stroke longer, when the stroke is not enough can also be re-sulfur or increase the tension stroke to solve.

Third: hammer tension belt conveyor belt skid Using a hammer tension device belt conveyor in the belt skid can add a counterweight to solve, add until the belt does not slip. But should not add too much, so as not to make the belt bear unnecessary excessive tension and reduce the service life of the belt.


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