Poster in Oct 01, 2023 12:18:57

Knowledge about rice and its nutritional value

Knowledge about rice and its nutritional value

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Knowledges About Rice
Starch is the main source of heat for human beings, while amino acids in protein are the main nutrients for human survival. Rice contains more than 16 kinds of starch and amino acids, which can supply the basic needs of human survival. After trying a large number of food, people will inevitably choose the food that can meet their nutritional needs and taste good as the staple food, so rice has gradually become one of the staple food of human beings.

So, Which countries live on rice? The countries with rice as the staple food in the world, are mainly concentrated in Asia, including China, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, and other countries. Rice is eaten in other countries in Africa, the Middle East, and South America, but it is not the main food there.

Nutritional Value Of Rice
The nutritional value of rice is very rich, in rice is 70% starch, and in rice also contains cellulose and hemicellulose, especially soluble sugar is also very rich. In addition, rice contains amylopectin in the same more, rice is very easy to dissolve in water, especially rice is completely hydrolyzed by amylase, and can play a nourishing effect.

The protein in rice is very rich, and protein is comparable to soybean prices, so lysine and threonine trace elements in rice were extremely rich content in rice, at the same time, the ratio of all kinds of amino acids in rice is very close to the human body needs, so we eat rice is suitable for most people.

In fact, rice contains rich vitamins and inorganic salt, these trace elements are all we really need in the human body, especially in rice, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc are very rich, so also is very good, people eat rice and high phosphorus content in rice, calcium content is low, so we eat rice is very nourishing. However, brown rice is high in dietary fiber and vitamin E, so eating rice can help maintain the balance of blood sugar, which is very important.


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