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Since inception, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) has been successfully contributing to agricultural production by evolving technologies that are suitable for the country’s climate and appropriate for the farmer’s condition. BARI has so far developed a total of 1251 technologies of which 625 are improved crop varieties (commodity) and 626 technologies in different non-commodity areas.
A. Commodity :
Named of crops No. of released varieties
Cereal crops - 83
Oilseed Crops - 53
Pulse Crops - 43
Tuber Crops - 133
Vegetable Crops - 131
Fruit Crops - 98
Flower Crops - 25
Spices Crops - 50
Fibre Crops - 09
Narcotic Crops - 01
Sub-Total - 650
B. Non-Commodity :
Research Fields No. of technologies
Crop, Soil, Water and Insect & Disease Management - 288
Farm Machinery - 50
Irrigation and Water Management - 38
Post-harvest Technology - 34
Farming Systems Research - 196
Biotechnology - 30
Safe food - 4
Sub-Total - 640
Total number of technologies (Commodity + Non-commodity) : 650 + 640=1251
BARI has also developed a self contained gene bank where more than 10000 germplasm accessions of pulses, oilseed, and vegetables have been preserved.
Source: Online/GFMM
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