Poster in Aug 01, 2022 01:29:49

Supercharged biotech rice can increase rice yield by up to 40 percent

Supercharged biotech rice can increase rice yield by up to 40 percent

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Researchers claim to have boosted yields by 40 percent by inserting a second copy of its own gene into a Chinese rice variety called Nipponbare. This research team from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) obtained this result by inserting an extra copy of a known gene called QSDREBIC into a rice variety called Nipponbare.

This genetic modification enables the rice plant to absorb more fertilizer and multiplies the photosynthetic rate and accelerates flowering. All these features contribute to the yield of major cereal crops, scientists said Such surprising news has been published in the world-famous science journal Science on July 23, 2022. They removed this homologue from other rice plants and obtained comparative evidence of its effectiveness in transgenic plants

Greenhouse experiments by CAS scientists Shaobo Wei and Jia Li showed that plants without the gene grew less than control plants, while plants with extra copies of QSDREBIC grew faster and had longer roots. A plant geneticist at Rothamsted Research Institute Mr. In Matthew Paul's words, "I don't think we've seen success like this before." This method can be tried in other crops too.

Over the years, biotechnologists have searched for single genes in crops that are uniquely suited to increase yield. In recent years they have shifted their interest to genes that regulate other genes, and in physiological terms that is multidirectional; For example, it controls nutrient absorption from the soil, increases the rate of photosynthesis and transport of food from leaves to seeds. Changing such a regulatory gene in corn can increase yields by more than 10 percent, which can only be increased by 1 percent per year with conventional plant breeding methods. As a result, they consider it a big achievement compared to conventional plant breeding methods.

A team led by Kass plant biologist Wenbin Zhou identified 118 rice and maize regulatory genes, including proteins called transcription factors, which other researchers had previously identified as potentially important genes influencing photosynthesis Mr. Zhou's team tried to find out if any genes are activated in rice grown in low-nitrogen soils, because such genes can increase the plant's uptake of nutrients from the soil. The team found 13 genes that were upregulated when rice seedlings were grown in low-nitrogen-rich soil; And five of these genes are capable of increasing nitrogen uptake fourfold or more One reason for the better nutrient uptake rates is that plants with extra copies of QSDREBIC take up more nitrogen through their roots and transfer more of it to the shoots.

Improved rice developed in this way has produced high yields in temperate to tropical climate zones in three locations in China in the past two to three years. Specifically, the researchers also transformed a high-yielding rice variety planted by farmers by adding an extra copy of the gene. These modified modern rice plants yielded 40 percent more per plot than the control rice, the researchers said.

Mr. Pam Ronald, a rice geneticist at the University of California, Davis, said the 40 percent yield increase was a big achievement and a surprise. Steve Long, a plant physiologist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, said, "These transformed plants produced higher yields in the field as well as in the greenhouse test, which is very promising."

Plants transformed in this way flower sooner, which gives them more time to produce seeds on their spread Depending on the environment, this can be an effective variety for early flowering For example, this variety may allow farmers to grow more crops each season or harvest before the summer heat or other advantages. However, the modified Nipponbare flowered 19 days earlier, while other widely cultivated cultivars flowered only two days earlier. To demonstrate greater potential, the research team found a similar effect by combining the rice QSDREBIC gene with a wheat research variety. QSDREBIC and similar genes are present not only in rice, wheat and other grass crops, but also in many broadleaf plants. Researchers found better results by adding an extra copy of such a gene to a type of mustard plant called Arabidopsis. This is very consistent with a general process across the plant kingdom, suggesting that other similar crops may be amenable to yield increases from this change.

The transgenic rice varieties developed by Mr. Zhou and his team may be unacceptable to some consumers. But Mr. Zhou and his colleagues say they see no problem if this yield increase is accomplished by editing the plant's own genes, unless it is transferred from another plant or source. It is now seen as easier than transgenic engineering in some countries. Another advantage is that by increasing the rate and efficiency of nitrogen uptake by crops, it can also reduce the pollution of rivers and lakes caused by runoff after excess fertilizer application to paddy fields. Therefore, Oxford University scientist Mr. Steven Kelly said, 'This innovation will add new dimensions to global food production due to improved photosynthetic efficiency.'

|Source: Online/TA

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