Poster in Nov 06, 2022 01:25:39

Food inflation has the highest impact on inflation across the world

Food inflation has the highest impact on inflation across the world

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"Humanity is moving towards suicide all at once." Mr. Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, said this. He was speaking in reference to the gross neglect of fossil fuel-based industrial civilizations and consumerist countries in preventing climate catastrophe.

Inflation is now the world's biggest headache. Even if people's income is not increasing, the expenditure is increasing. As a result, a kind of stagnation has been created around the world.

Food inflation has the highest impact on inflation. Because food expenses of low-income people are more than other expenses. According to a report from the World Bank, the food inflation rate is more than 10 percent in many countries of the world. Even people in developed countries are struggling due to high food prices.

According to the World Bank's updated report on food security, food price inflation in the third quarter of this year, i.e. July-September, was the highest in the African country of Zimbabwe - 68 percent. Then in Lebanon, Iran, and Hungary, it was 36, 32, and 15 percent respectively. On the other hand, food price inflation in the developed country United Kingdom was 11.6 percent in October. The news that the people there cannot bear the high price of food has been published in the media of that country for a long time.

According to the World Bank report, food price inflation was higher in almost all the low and lower-middle-income countries of the world from June-September. 84 percent of low-income, 89 percent of lower middle-income, and 93 percent of upper-middle-income countries have average food inflation above 5 percent. In many countries, it exceeds 10 percent. In addition, 87 percent of high-income countries have high food inflation.

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