Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:39

 Know the dozen benefits of jute

 Know the dozen benefits of jute

[caption id="attachment_1110" align="aligncenter" width="602"] KNOW THE DOZEN BENEFITS OF JUTE File Picture[/caption] Desk Report: Jute is one of the cheapest natural fibers and in addition, after cotton, the most widely used. The plant from which jute is obtained occurs mainly in hot, humid areas as Bangladesh, China and India. In the time it takes you to read this, millions of plastic bags are produced. And then we do not even know about the amount of oil that is needed. An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) survey from 2008 showed that only 6.8% of all plastic waste recycled. But what happens with the other 93.2%? Wastewater in oceans and seas consists of 80% plastic. This is a major threat to the animals in the sea. Many turtles mix up jellyfish with plastic bags and eat them. Birds and fishes get into particles or hit the plastic (deadly). The garbage doesn’t clean up itself; before polyethylene (plastic) is biodegradable, we are about 1,000 years further. Several agencies have already stated that thin plastic bags should be banned immediately. Fortunately, some governments also see the seriousness of this problem. In China, around 3 billion plastic bags were used today. The garbage bins in China began to look like white mountains because of all the plastic waste. Therefore, the Chinese government has taken measures to remove plastic bags. In addition to China, governments of Australia, Bangladesh, Ireland, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Taiwan, South Africa and some cities in the United States (including San Francisco) have also taken measures to successfully reduce the use of plastic bags. Jute, like bamboo, is a natural fiber that grows cleanly, quickly and can be woven into a durable material. Jute is affordable and strong and a research said this plant fiber and come up with 10 benefits of jute. 12 Benefits of Jute

  1. Needs Very Little Water – As a natural plant fiber, jute can be grown and harvested over and over again with very little water needed. In this era of water conservation (think California in the United States alone and you will see the benefit), this is great for our planet.
  2. Less Need for Fertilizer, Herbicides and Pesticides – Jute can grow with very little need of chemical assistance in the form of fertilizer, herbicide or pesticide, so that means fewer chemicals are emptied into the soil.
  3. Grows Quickly – The jute growing season is about 100 days, so there is a quick turnover and a constant supply of more fiber.
  4. Clean the Air – Studies have shown that one hectare of jute plants can absorb up to 15 tons of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and release as much as 11 tons of oxygen during the jute growing season.
  5. Improves Soil Quality – Jute replenishes soil nutrients and reduces the risk of pests and disease so when crops are rotated after the jute has been harvested, future plants will be better off for it.
  6. Cost Effective – There is very little expense when it comes to growing jute since the plant does not require much in the way of fertilizers, pesticides and such, and a small area can turn out a lot of crop, so jute is typically a profitable crop and can be very cost effective.
  7. Biodegradable – As a natural fiber jute is biodegradable, so once it has served its purpose it can be composted or if it ends up in a landfill it will naturally breakdown with no ill effects.
  8. Reduces Plastic Pollution – Reusable shopping bags constructed from jute reduce the need of single-use plastic bags. Only a small percentage of disposable plastic bags are recycled; the vast majority of these single-use bags end up in landfills or as litter. Using a jute grocery bag does away with the need of disposable bags and the resulting pollution.
  9. Comfort – When woven into material, jute can be very comfortable. This is a nice benefit whether jute fabric is used for clothing or fashioned into a reusable bag.
  10. Recyclable – Jute can be recycled again and again, so new life can constantly be breathed into existing fibers.
  11. As herbal drink like tea – The ‘jute leaf tea’ or ‘Jute Green Tea’ is healthy and tasty. It would help tackle constipation, diabetes, cancer and ageing. The BJRI official hoped the drink would be in high demand due to its organic qualities.
  12. Additional use– Except fiber jute stick is raw materials of particle board and fuel sticks.
All of these benefits make jute a versatile, sustainable material that is strong, cost effective and good for the planet. Source: Online KMS/SZK  

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